Rabu, 23 April 2014

Comparison Of Oil Palm Plantation Business In Indonesia with Malaysia

In the last 10 years, the palm oil industry is booming with several reasons, especially the need for investment to improve economic growth. Factors supporting the outside it is the pressure on the reduction of fossil fuel globally. With the paradigm of economic growth, the government saw that the palm oil industry can create jobs and generate state income taxes.
The expansion of oil palm plantations on now extended to almost all the major islands in Indonesia. Over the past 19 years, the expansion of oil palm plantations at an average of 315,000 ha / year. So far, Indonesia has approximately 7 million hectares of land under oil palm. Beyond that, about 18 million hectares of forest have been opened in the name of oil palm plantation expansion. Trend expansion of palm oil plantations are now moving into the region of Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Papua. Oil palm plantation area controlled by large investors both foreign and locally reaching 51% in the country, and the rest belongs to the government, national private dam smallholder plantations.
Chairul admitted in Indonesian plantation management is still lagging behind with strangers, especially Malaysia, Indonesia lags far down stream with Malasysia, because the neighbor country planning in the control of the plantation planned carefully. No wonder if Malaysia keen to expand in the area of ​​Sumatra and Kalimantan.Di plantation, plantation companies from countries that also controls oil palm plantation land in Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Borneo.
In Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad sites, for example, a multinational company mentioned in this Malaysian oil palm plantations in Indonesia covering 139 126 hectares (55.93%), greater than the land owned by the company in Malaysia covering an area of ​​109 620 hectares (44.07%). KL Kepong site mention of its plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia, the company was able to produce 3.1 million tonnes of fresh fruit bunches annually. Told Every oil company in Malaysia to develop its own research and always put the research as a priority. for example, Sime Darby, Malaysia's state-owned company engaged in plantation, manufacturing, energy, and property. By producing more than 2.4 million tons of crude palm oil (CPO) a year, Sime Darby is the largest listed company in the field of CPO with a share of 6% of the total world CPO.
Malaysian CPO production Bigger
The Malaysian government is also developing R & D and provide full support to the agribusiness sector. For the oil business, there are two ministries involved, namely the Ministry of Corporate Shifting and Commodities as well as the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water.
Both ministries also makes research, thus ensuring that innovation in the field of oil. Support research showed surprising results. Malaysian palm productivity is much greater than Indonesia. Malaysian palm productivity 3.5 tons per hectare, while Indonesia 2.5 ha per year.
Due to differences in productivity, Malaysia with a land area of ​​only 61.5% of oil from Indonesian palm land could produce up to 17 million tonnes, or 85.3% of Indonesia's CPO production.
Indonesian palm plantation with a much broader CPO should be capable of producing greater. To increase the productivity of CPO, Indonesian palm oil companies should strengthen R & D and government need to provide full support.
Also SOE Great Sime Darby meraksasa after taking over two state-owned companies, namely Guthry and Golden Hope. Now, the company engaged in a number of business lines it became the largest oil companies in the world with a market share of 6%. Golden Agri Resources and Wilmar International Ltd. is ranked second and third, each having a share of 4.6% and 4%.
By having oil palm plantations and palm oil processing industry in various countries, Sime Darby become a global player. SOE triumphed in Malaysia. In addition to plantation giant Sime Darby named, Malaysia has a number of powerful state-owned enterprises in a number of fields. Call Petronas in the oil and gas field, Electric Power in the field of electricity, Maybank at the bank, and Khazanah in the field of investment.
Foreign domination of the national oil palm plantations until this year accounted for over 50 percent of the land available, or approximately 9.2 million hectares (ha). According to data reported by Sawit Watch, the foreign companies from Malaysia, Singapore, United States, Belgium, and England. Foreign companies that dominate the largest oil field in the country which is the Wilmar Group, Cargill, and Sime Derby from Malaysia. While national companies only control about 3.5 million hectares of oil palm plantations which filled four national group of companies.
The issue of capitalism in the oil palm plantation sector is assessed further harm Chairul palm farming communities in the country. With a land area of oil only reached an average of 2 ha of land per person, it was thought exacerbate the welfare of oil palm farmers.
Since long it has been in the region of Indonesia plot by plot-owners of foreign capital, especially using large in land tenure increasingly widespread, either for conversion to oil palm harvested wilderness lands serve as oil palm plantations which of course has damaged the natural environment, and the environment social community that is the beginning of a social conflict.

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Detail

            Name                 :  Mario Kristi Wibowo
            Sex                    :  Male
            Religion             :  Christian Protestan
            Nationality         :  Indonesian
            Marital status    :  Single
            Address            :  JL. Tanah Apit RT. 05 RW.09 No.46
                                          Harapan Indah, Bekasi Barat 17134
            Place and
            date of birth      :  Pekalongan, 10 September 1991
            Phone number : 083897822212
            Emai                 : ryo_rarariri@yahoo.com
Educational Background

            1998 - 2004   :  Elementary School No. 02, Jakarta
            2004 - 2007   :  Junior High School No.146, Jakarta
            2007 - 2010   :  Senior High School Diponegoro 2, Jakarta
            2010 - 2014   :  Manajemen at the University of Gunadarma, Bekasi

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014


          Jika teman-teman masih bingung apa itu kalimat pasif (Passive Voice), yuk kita simak dahulu contoh di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Check this out!!!
a. Rini reads a novel (Active Voice)
b. Novel is read by Rini (Passive Voice)
          Kita menggunakan Active Voice (kalimat aktif) untuk menyatakan APA YANG DILAKUKANSUBJECT (pelaku). Di contoh a. Rini adalah subject yang melakukan tindakan 'reads a novel' (membaca sebuah novel). Sedangkan Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) digunakan untuk menyatakan APA YANG TERJADI PADA SUBJECT (pelaku). Di contoh b. Novel adalahsubject yang menerima tindakan 'is read' (dibaca)
          Singkatnya Active Voice (kalimat aktif) merujuk pada subject (pelaku) melakukan pekerjaan. Sedangkan Passive Voice (kalimat pasif) subject (pelaku) dikenakan pekerjaan.
A. Apa itu Passive Voice
          Dari penjelasan di atas, sebenarnya kita bisa menarik sebuah pengertian mengenai passive voice. Passive voice merupakan struktur kalimat penulisan dalam bahasa Inggris yang manasubject (pelaku) dari kalimat tersebut dikenakan suatu pekerjaan. Passive voice tidak hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris saja, dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal Kalimat Pasif dengan perubahan yang sangat simple yaitu imbuhan di- / ter-. Misalkan Rini membaca sebuah novel (kalimat aktif) novel dibaca oleh Rini (kalimat pasif). Tetapi semudah itu kah perubahan dariActive Voice ke Passasive Voice?
B. Pola Passive Voice
          Perubahan active voice ke passive voice tidak semudah perubahan kalimat aktif ke dalam kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia.
S + Be + Verb-3 + By Agent
S: Subjek
Be: Tobe
Verb-3: Kata kerja bentuk ketiga
By Agent: Pelaku

Rini    reads    Novel. (Active Voice)
 [S]    [V1]   [Object]
Novel      is          read      by Rini. (Passive Voice)
   [S]    [to be]     [V3]    [by agent]

Dalam pembuatan kalimat passive voice, kita tidak akan lepas dengan yang namanya tenses. Yup, karena dalam penentuan 'to be' pada kalimat passive voice tergantung pada tenseskalimat aktifnya.

Contoh :

·        Rice is eaten every day
Nasi dimakan setiap hari
·        The work has been finished by us
Pekerjaan itu diselesaikan oleh kami
·        Simon will be invited
Simon akan diundang
·        The letter has been sent by John
Surat itu telah dikirim oleh Jhon
·        The house was bought last year
Rumah itu dibeli tahun lalu

Kalimat Pasif dengan Menggunakan “GOT”
Contoh :
·        The cake got burned
Kue itu terbakar / hangus
·        His finger got squashed in the door
Jarinya terjepit dipintu
·        He got blamed for the mistake
Dia disalahkan atas kekeliruan itu
·        Our ship got damage our by a big strom
Kapal kami rusak oleh badai besar
·        The walls of building were cracked by the explosion
Dinding – dinding gedung itu retak oleh ledakan tersebut

Bentuk Pasif yang Sering Digunakan Sebagai Kata Sifat
Contoh :
·        I’m not good at written German
Saya tidak pandai dalam bahasa Jerman tertulis
·        Paul can not walk as he has broken leg
Paul tidak bisa berjalan karena kakinya patah
·        Singapore is a developed country
Singapura adalah negara maju
·        Samuel is a grown man
Samuel adalah pria dewasa
·        Rudi sells used cars
Rudi menjual mobiil – mobil bekas

Kalimat dengan dua bentuk Pasif
          Ada kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu bentuk pasif. Hal ini mudah diketahui dengan adanya Past Participle dalam kalimat.
Contoh :
·        The men employed in this company are paid every week
Orang – orang yang diperkejakan di perusahaan ini dibayar setiap minggu
·        The clotes produced in this factory are exported to Europe
Pakaian yang dihasilkan pabrik ini di ekspor ke eropa
·        The actress guard by two big men can’t be approached
Aktris yang dikawal oleh dua orang berbadan besar itu tidak bisa didekati
·        The house built many years ago will be knocked down
Rumah yang dibangun pada zaman dahulu itu akan dirobohkan
·        The gril adored by your brother has been married
Gadis yang ditaksir oleh saudaramu itu telah menikah

Kalimat Pasif dengan Struktur Have + Object + Past Participle
          Bentuk menyatakan bahwa kita merancang orang lain melakukan sesuatu untuk kita, maka kita dapat menggunakan struktur have/has/had+object+past participle.
Contoh :
·        He wants to have his photograph taken
Dia ingin difoto
·        I am having the roof checked at the moment
Saya sedang menyuruh agar tetap diperiksa sekarang juga
·        I have my newspaper delivered
Saya menyuruh koran saya diantarkan
·        He is having a swimming pool built
Dia sedang menyuruh dibuatkan kolam renang
·        Jhon often hast his garden watered
Jhon sering menyuruh kebunnya disiram

The use of the passive
Ø Introduction
Compare the active and passive sentences
          Active : amy fased the report.
          Passive : the report was faxed by amy.
We can choosen to talk about Amy and what she did, or  about the report and what happened to it. This often depends on what is old or new information.
Ø The Agent
When we need to mention the agent in a passive sentence, we use by.
          The story was written by Dickens
But often we mention other information rather than the agent.
          The concret is being held in the park
          Plugs should be wired correctly

IDI Supono, 2007, BBC ENGLISH GRAMMAR : Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap.
Jhon Eastwood, 2008, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar